Cassia Tora Powder; the Best Affordable Alternative to Other Hydrocolloids

Several natural hydrocolloids have been recognized in industry. These include the cassia tora powder, sesbania gum, the guar gum, and others. These are products that form gels in the presence of water molecules and therefore act as effective thickening agents, which can be used in various industries.

Cassia Gum Functionality versus Other Hydrocolloids

The refined cassia gum powder is different from the other galactomanans due to its molecular structure. The cassia gum has fewer galactose molecules next to the longer mannose chain. This molecular difference has an effect on the effectiveness and interaction with other molecules especially the anionic gums like carrageen or the xanthan gum. High numbers of galactose side chains prevent the synergistic gelling effect in the presence of these anionic polymers.

Due to this fact, a lesser quantity of a hydrocolloid, cassia gum is used to create an enhanced gelling effect.

Cassia Tora Powder

Production Advantages Enhancing Affordability

One advantage in the production of the cassia gum powder is that the Cassia Tora plant is freely growing as a weed in India and also in the Mediterranean regions. This eliminates the cost associated with growing the plant. With the reduced production costs, the product is offered to the market as a cheaper alternative to other similar products which have to be commercially produced.

Price of Cassia Gum versus Other Hydrocolloids

The cost of ingredients is an important factor in every production activity.  In usage of hydrocolloids, these prices greatly affect prices of food products.  Hydrocolloids like he guar gums, cassia gums, carrageen all arrive at the market at different price levels, but will perform the same functions. The price rise in the guar gum two years ago forced users to explore other similar alternatives, where the cassia gum was introduced. The current price of the cassia gum powder is standing at 85 rupees/kilogram while that of the commonly used guar gum stands at 100 – 110 rupees per kilogram. This price difference represents a considerable saving on users who have year round demand for the product.

Market Outlook for the Cassia Gum

The cassia gum powder is increasingly becoming useful in various industries as well as being a good replacement for the more expensive guar gum. With the increased research and awareness on the properties of the cassia gum powder, it is expected to have a positive and upward growth in demand and usage. Nations around the world have enacted legislations that allow the use of cassia gum powder as a gelling agent in manufacture of various products.

Some of the industries that are turning to cassia gum powder include the pet food industry, confectionary products, dairy industry and even baby foods production.


The cassia gum powder is rapidly emerging as a good alternative to other hydrocolloids in industry. The factors favoring cassia gum over other gelling agents include reduced cost of production, great synergistic effect when combined with other hydrocolloids, recognition by various governments and increased research and awareness on the characteristics of the cassia gum. Currently, the gum has gained popularity in various industries including confectionaries, dairy and pet food production.